The problem with 9/11 Truthers

In a recent post called 9/11 for dummies, I have been going back and fourth with a truther who named himself YouAreAnIdiot. I asked him a series of questions of what he thought about the evidence pertaining to flight 77 that crashed into the pentagon. Here are his replies taken word for word. The only thing I did was put the questions in bold and hit enter, so the answers would appear under them, making it easier to read. Bear in mind, this is a real conversation with a person who really believes this:

how do you explain the pieces of the plane found?
Planted, faked, strapped onto missile. Pick one.

the 136 eyewitnesses?
scared for the lives, work for the government, you can find witnesses that say other wise

the disappearance of the passengers?
Disappearance that’s an interesting choice of words. Need I say more.

phone calls from the passengers?
faked since calling from a cellphone on a plane is nearly impossible.

remains of the passengers identified?

video footage that shows a plane?
That’s funny, I have yet to see a plane and the pentagon in the same picture let alone a video since they have never released a video, just a few still frames that conveniently miss the plane

and the hundreds of people who would have had to have been involved in the execution and cover up of the pentagon crash site alone without anyone ever admitting it or finding out?
Scared for the lives and besides its called a false flag and the government has done it before. Do you really think that the government can’t keep a secret! Please.

I also asked this question:
And… what do you have to back up any of your answers to any of these questions?
Not surprisingly, he conveniently left this question out.

Truthers try to claim that the debate about weather 9/11 was an inside job is an intellectual one based on evidence and logic. These answers are a perfect example of why this is not about real world logic. Anytime you try to get a truther to explain what they think happened on 9/11 they will say something like “we don’t know, that’s why we want a new investigation”. In reality they are simply avoiding giving these answers because they realize how rediculous they will sound and loose their argument. If you believe or even imply that 9/11 was an inside job you have to believe the answers above like this guy. And this idiot does not have one reason to believe any of these answers, except for the fact that it all comes together to form his fantasy.

Notice how every answer he gives me to the evidence shown is the same: either faked or the people are lying. That is always their answer. How do you talk to someone who believes that every single person who presents evidence against their beliefs is somehow part of the conspiracy? How do you explain human nature to someone who believes that the government is capable of keeping thousands of people quiet about the largest mass murder in the history of the country? Here is a fact about human nature: people love secrets. That is why rumors spread in high school. 10 people knew about Watergate and it could not be kept secret, Clinton couldn’t even keep getting a BJ secret, yet these people actually believe that Bush has kept thousands of people living among us quiet about this for 10 years even though he is no longer in power and has more people who hate him then any president in recent memory.

What I find hilarious is that all these people who believe that keeping such a big secret is not difficult, are the same people who spend hours on the internet looking for them in every way they can imagine on their conspiracy websites.

My brother worked for a security company and was in building 7 many times. Was he part of the conspiracy too? My cousin works downtown and has friends who are firefighters. Some of them saw building 7 collapse and the way it was leaning, they knew it was not going to stand. Are they in on it too? These are real people. They are really real. This is not a comic book, this is not a movie with Bruce Willis.

9/11 truthers live in a world of paranoia where everybody is either “in on it”, or just too stupid to notice. They can never be proven wrong because they already have pre-conceived answers to every possible form of evidence that can be put forward. And worse, they do not need any actual evidence of what they claim in order to believe it, just a bunch of silly questions. So when you are hit with 101 questions by a 9/11 truther, find out what he has to say about the evidence that proves their theories wrong first, before you get caught up in their questions. That will tell you what you are dealing with.

Now I will respond to YourAnIdiot’s questions.

The following are my responses to the lattest comment left by YouAreAnIdiot on my post 9/11 for dummies, I had responded to his “suspicious” questions and he replied back. I put them in a format to make it easier to follow but the responses are word for word. If you get tired of reading them please scroll down to the last one where I make my main point.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why do pilots say that there is no way to make the flight path released that hit the pentagon?”
rroman911: There are many more pilots that say the flight path was not difficult. I let them hash it out. This is a perfect example of what is wrong with you guys. You focus on the most irrelevant things as if it somehow makes a case of something. A plane clearly hit the pentagon. I feel like we are watching a football game instant replay, and playing it in slow motion arguing about weather if the wide receivers feet came down in bounds when the question we are supposed to be answering is if the quarterback threw the ball.
YouAreAnIdiot: How is that irrelevant? Ok, so how could a terrorist with extremely minimal experience flying, and none flying commercial airliners, pull off a maneuver many pilots would consider difficult. He could not. And I have heard and seen pilots that have flown forever come out and say that this is not a reasonable explanation. You can find them here at I guess those pilots don’t know what they are talking about either.
rroman911: You show me a list of what I counted to be 258 pilots who do not support the official story. There are 594,285 pilots in the US. You have 0.043% of the pilots in the US who believe your crazy theory. When you are that far in the minority it is safe to say you do not know what you are talking about.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why did WTC building 6 fall at free fall speeds?”
rroman911: Once the columns supporting the building collapsed there was nothing left supporting the building. If that is not good enough for you NIST had a team of 200 scientists and structural engineers spend 3 years studying the collapse and put together a 10,000 page report explaining it. If you are that interested in building collapses try reading it.
YouAreAnIdiot: “NIST works for the government. If you point out something that government says again I will have to stop debating you for obvious reasons. Think for yourself. Demolition experts say they can clearly see that it was a controlled demolition.
rroman911: Please name one respectable controlled demolitionist in the world who says that. Besides of course the guy on Loose Change who said it looked like a CD because they conveniently did not show him the south side of the building that burned for 7 hours and was smashed by falling debris from tower 1. And here is a thought: supposed terrorists really did attack the United States (I know so hard to imagine, but try anyway)… Who do you think should investigate it? I would love to hear your answer on that one. In reality YouAreAnIdiot, the government is made up of real people. They were not born as secret government operatives. How do you possibly explain a team of 200 real people who claim to be scientists making up a fake report saying something is scientifically possible when it is not, and be so convincing that 99.9% of the scientific community falls for it and the only people who do not are on conspiracy websites? Please enlighten me.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why was thermite found in the wtc debri?”
rroman911: Thermite was used in the melting of the core columns during the erection of the twin towers. Nano thermite which I am sure you are referring to was not found, according to every respectable scientist in the world. none of them however will bother to write a paper refuting it because it is such a childish conclusion that none of them want their names attached to it.
YouAreAnIdiot: Oh yea just professors and experts that said that and have proof. No one respectable.
rroman911: When someone writes a paper claiming that 2 plus 2 equals 5, there is no reason to provide proof that they are wrong. Common sense is good enough. Among the world of science that is the consensus about your “peer reviewed article”. It is a joke.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why did the president say he saw the first plane hit the tower when it had not been shown on tv yet?”
rroman911: Have you ever heard of the idea that not everything a person says is correct? Of course not.
YouAreAnIdiot: Have you ever heard of Freudian slip. Of course not. Look up all the ones Donald Rumsfield has said too
rroman911: Actually no I haven’t. That is probably a word made up in the conspiracy world. In this one people do make mistakes. Not like you guys will miss them, you spend hours hanging over every word a person says looking for a hidden truth or something to find suspicious. Of course your gana find something.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why did we lose both black boxes at WTC when witnesses saw government agents grab it and even helped find it?”
rroman911: Don’t know, maybe they were trying to conceal the fact that the plane was secretly being controlled by remote while the real flights 175 and 11 were flown to area 51 where the passengers were all shot and killed and the real planes blown up to conceal all evidence. Ok, ok, seriously…
YouAreAnIdiot: Once again it looks like there is no explanation.
rroman911: Believe it or not, I am not god. I do not have an answer to every single question your twisted brain can imagine. Just because I do not have an answer to your question does not make your question a good one. First of all we do not even know that these were in fact the black boxes. Second, even IF this story is correct we do not know or have any evidence of why the agents took it or what they did with it so your question does not prove or imply anything. But yet you already know don’t you? Apparently you have all the inside info on how the government really works, yet you have not one peice of evidence to show what really did happen on 9/11.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why did witnesses that crawled out of the pentagon say they saw no plane?”
rroman911: Think about this one. You are in a building. All of a sudden a 757 traveling at over 500mph crashes straight into it, far enough from you that you survived. What do you expect that experience to be like? Did you expect the plane pass by in slow motion so that you could see that it was a plane?
YouAreAnIdiot: This lady crawled out of the hole where the plane was supposed to be. I guess you are calling her a liar too since you would know better than someone who was there and crawled through the hole.
rroman911: You are the only one here calling anyone a liar. I am simply pointing an obvious fact that you are not smart enough to realize. If she crawled out of the hole then she was clearly not in the hole during the explosion otherwise she would be dead. I would love to see an artist sketch of what you believe she should have seen. Did you expect to see a plane just sitting there in the lobby of the pentagon? Imagine a car driving into a concrete wall at over 100mph. You wouldn’t be able to recognize it. Now picture 500mph. Do I seriously need to spell this out for you?

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why does footage show that they don’t look like passenger planes?”
rroman911: When you zoom up on grainy stills and focus on the 1 thing that doesn’t seem right and ignore the other 99% of it that looks like a commercial airliner, it does kind of look that way. Now if you would like to join the real world and look at the hundreds of videos that clearly show it WAS a comercial airliner then you will have your answer.
YouAreAnIdiot: So you are admitting that something doesn’t seem right and once AGAIN there is something that even your imagination can’t explain.
rroman911: Wow. You are amazing. No I was not admitting that something doesn’t look right, I was saying that you see something that does not look right to YOU. The point was that the ONE thing that doesn’t look right to you is more important then the 99 things that do. When you spend your life focusing on the ONE thing out of 99 it is no wonder you believe 9/11 was an inside job. And even if there is something my imagination can’t explain, it doesn’t matter because unlike you I do understand the following logic: Just because you do not understand something does not mean that it did not happen.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Just because I cannot prove everything does not mean I have nothing.”
rroman911: Prove everything? You have not proven anything. All you did was ask a bunch of dumb questions. Questions are not evidence. Evidence is what you guys do not have still, after ten years.
YouAreAnIdiot: I am not saying it is evidence. It simply questions that have not been answered so a new independent investigation is warranted. If I could prove it I would be dead.
rroman911: All of your questions have been answered. You refuse to accept the answers. An investigation is for normal people who understand that you can not just throw evidence away claiming it is fake because it does not fit your preconceived conclusions.

YouAreAnIdiot: “Why did the most secure building in the world (Pentagon) not capture any footage of a plane?”
rroman911: You mean like these?:

YouAreAnIdiot: That still doesn’t show a plane! You know there are a 100 different camera angles of whatever hit the pentagon and they can’t prove to me a plane hit it. Something is wrong with that. It seems as if they would just release a CLEAR picture of a plane I would shut up. But they can’t even though there are a million cameras at the pentagon.
rroman911: If they released a clear picture you would shut up??? So every piece of evidence they show is fake but you would believe a photograph? You have already made yourself very clear. If you seriously do not realize it let me spell it out for you:

You will never believe you are wrong because no human being on this earth is capable of producing anything that you will accept as evidence. If you are shown a picture you say it is faked. If you are shown an actual witness who directly saw it happen you say they are either working for the government or are “scared for their lives, when you are given a scientific report explaining how it happened you say they are wrong (as if you would know), and in this case I showed you a video that any reasonable person can see a plane in and you say there is no plane. Everytime you look at any peice of evidence, you focus on the 1% of it you do not understand and completely disreguard the point of what that evidence shows because of it. When someone finally does explain that 1% to you, you do not accept it because you do not understand 1% of their answer. When you finally do understand their answer you claim they are part of the conspiracy. You are incapable of seeing what really did happen on 9/11 because you are wrapped in your fantasy conspiracy world. I am the only idiot willing to spend all this time answering your dumb questions. I do not know why, I guess it saddens me. It is so sad to see people throw away their sense of reality to keep their fantasy beliefs alive but what is even worse, is the way you guys go out there spreading this crap to others by asking a bunch of dumb questions you pretend have no answers. Those were real people we lost that day. You are an insult to them.

Update: He’s back, lol! Here are is idiot responses, (if you do not see them click here):

7 Responses to The problem with 9/11 Truthers

  1. YouAreAnIdiot says:

    u base your facts on absolutuly zero proof examples
    Example 1-There are 594,285 pilots in the US. You have 0.043% of the pilots in the US who believe your crazy theory. When you are that far in the minority it is safe to say you do not know what you are talking about.
    Response: I am sorry I must of missed that website that they signed their names on. You are saying that since they did not sign onto this website, they must believe otherwise. LIE
    Example 2- How do you possibly explain a team of 200 real people who claim to be scientists making up a fake report saying something is scientifically possible when it is not, and be so convincing that 99.9% of the scientific community falls for it and the only people who do not are on conspiracy websites?
    Response: Once again you make a figure that you find convient. 99.9% believe it? LIE
    Example 3- Among the world of science that is the consensus about your “peer reviewed article”. It is a joke.
    Response: WHERE IS THE PROOF OF ALL THESE FACTS YOU STATE. You are a liar. You just make up facts!.
    I could continue but I think my point is clear. I also like how you didn’t answer over half of my questions and you had to move it to a different site so you could pick and choose what to show your readers.

    Also, this guy refuses to answer all my questions and moves his stuff to a different site so you can’t see the full debate. CLASSIC DISINFORMATION. DON’T BELIEVE ANY THING THIS GUY SAYS. I HAVE ALREADY SHOWN HOW HE MAKES UP FACTS. SEE THE FULL DEBATE HERE

  2. YouAreAnIdiot says:

    I have no time to debate someone who makes up facts and picks and chooses his arguments. I am very busy so go **** yourself you government disinformation agent.

  3. rroman911 says:

    “u base your facts on absolutuly zero proof examples”

    It is a blog post not a debunking site. Anyone can fact check what I am saying. Besides I showed you plenty of links to the proof before. I refuse to continue to do research for you that you are to lazy or stupid to do for yourself. Learn how to use google.

    “Example 1-…Response: I am sorry I must of missed that website that they signed their names on. You are saying that since they did not sign onto this website, they must believe otherwise. LIE”

    If you missed that website then learn how to use google. And yes, since 9/11 has changed the lifestyle of every single pilot in the US I am sure they would care if they did not believe the official story. Although you may have a point, maybe not every single pilot not signed up disagrees. So if I give you that one then perhaps instead of 1 out of every 2,307 Pilots who do not believe the official story, maybe it is really 1 out of every 1,000. Is that better?

    “Example 2- …Response: Once again you make a figure that you find convient. 99.9% believe it? LIE”

    Well let’s see. Since there are 1,700,000 architects and engineers in the US and 1,479 signed up for a new investigation, architects and engineers who disagree with the official story (the most studied case of architectural failure in the history of the world), I guess your correct I got it wrong. The actual number is 99.913%.

    “Example 3- Response: WHERE IS THE PROOF OF ALL THESE FACTS YOU STATE. You are a liar. You just make up facts!.”

    It is hard to prove common sense. This is common knowledge in the scientific community. I have seen many cases of scientists explaining this in interviews, but it is difficult to find links to them because we do not have very many common sense websites to compete with your conspiracy following. And no I do not keep track of every website I visit just to prove it to someone like you. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is on the Kevin Barret (one of your hero’s) website where this was stated in a radio debate about WTC7. The scientist who made this point was not even refuted by Niels Harret who he was debating (the idiot who wrote the article on nano thermite in the WTC dust).

    “Also, this guy refuses to answer all my questions and moves his stuff to a different site so you can’t see the full debate.”

    I did actually answer more of your questions but I took some of them out of my post because it would have been to long. Every time I do not answer 1 question you act like it is some kind of victory. I am not going to sit here all day and answer every stupid question your twisted brain can imagine because you are to lazy to research it for yourself. I do not know what language I need to say it in for you to understand: More questions does not make your case stronger. Any idiot can sit here and ask questions. Any idiot can say that they don’t believe the official story. Saying the government was behind it is a completely different thing. If you want to make a case for that then show us some kind of evidence, or make up a story that makes any kind of sense, of what you think DID HAPPEN, and THEN reasonable people might care about what you have to say.

    “I also like how you didn’t answer over half of my questions and you had to move it to a different site so you could pick and choose what to show your readers… SEE THE FULL DEBATE HERE”

    If I was trying to hide our little debate then why did I not only say in the post where it came from, but also provide a direct link to it? You have serious issues. You hear and see only what you want.


    You have? I must have missed that memo. Still I do not represent myself as being some kind of expert, just someone with common sense.


    The only thing I treat as a joke is you.

    “I have no time to debate someone who makes up facts and picks and chooses his arguments.”

    I pick and choose because you ask 101 stupid questions, as if I have nothing better to do then to sit here and answer every single question you are to lazy to research yourself. If you stick to one at a time though I will be happy to sit here with you go back and fourth, although I question weather someone like you is capable of understanding the answers. Common sense would be required; you do not seem to have that.

    I am very busy so go **** yourself you government disinformation agent.”

    Thank you for making my point…again. Anyone who presents anything that does not fit your world is part of the conspiracy.

  4. Jim says:

    **** the gvrnment

  5. Jim says:

    Go east a d*ck you f***ing government prick!

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